
Uzumaki is a surreal and terrifying tale set in the quiet town of Kurouzu-cho, where a sinister and otherworldly spiral shape begins to haunt its residents. The story follows Kirie Goshima, a young woman who witnesses her boyfriend Shuuichi Saito’s father become obsessed with a spiral pattern after encountering a strange snail shell. As the spiral obsession spreads, the town descends into madness, with its residents becoming increasingly consumed by the shape in horrifying and inexplicable ways.

Junji Ito masterfully blends psychological horror with grotesque imagery, as the spirals twist and distort reality itself. The townspeople’s descent into madness becomes both a literal and metaphorical representation of the destructive power of obsession, and as the spirals grow more deadly, the line between the ordinary and the monstrous becomes dangerously thin. Uzumaki is a deeply unsettling exploration of the unknown, where the town and its inhabitants are inexorably drawn into a nightmare from which there may be no escape.